I have three pieces up today at
Nailpolish Stories: a Tiny and Colorful Literary Journal. Editor, writer, and creator,
Nicole Monaghan, has taken micro fiction to the next level. I'll let her explain:
"I had this idea a while back that stories should be made of the flashy names of nailpolish colors. I think the seed for this was planted when I was old enough to paint my nails. As a little girl, I remember thinking, Whose job is it to make up nailpolish color names? I was aware, on some level, of all the possible stories each one suggested."Full guidelines can be found
here, but the bare basics are:
- Use a nailpolish color as the title.
- Stories should be exactly 25 words, title not included.
I was amazed at just how original and fun nail polish names can be:
Fuchsia Fever, Hot for Chocolate, and the aptly named
Endless Possibilities.Stop by, read my stories
Emerald City, Cherries in the Snow, Don't Feed the Hand Models, and the fantastic work of many other talented writers.
Huge thanks to Nicole Monaghan!