Monday, June 8, 2009

The Daily Tourniquet: Whipping Boy

My wickedly visceral tale of violent madness, “Whipping Boy” is featured today at The Daily Tourniquet.

A big thank you goes out to editor, Jeffrey Conolly who has done an outstanding job of promoting the writers and film directors appearing on his dark e-zine through Twitter, online forum discussions, and a weekly video update which airs on Sundays.

If you’re a horror enthusiast, then please support this site with your blood…uh…submissions and comments.


  1. This reminds me of a certain religion that believes that Christ is actually being crucified and they are partaking in drinking his actual blood and eating his actual flesh during communion. With all due respect to other'ss religious beliefs, this chills me to the bone. Very dark. Excellent writing.

  2. Angel, this is off topic but i just noticed that you have a story slated for Morpheus Tales. Considering that I am (ahem) one of the better illustrators out there I would like to illustrate for you...maybe you could mention it to the Editor. It's that or you get the luck of the draw. HEHE... -Mark
