Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Legendary: Three Poems

Huge thanks to editors Jim Parks and Katie Moore over at The Legendary where my poems Lost Communication, Walls of Air and Remarry appear in their November Issue #11. They publish amazing poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Drop by, read, and submit your work.

The Legendary: Three Poems


  1. Wow, three in one issue? Congrats, Angel!

  2. Congrats, Angel. I just had a read and as always I was staggered by your ability to create. Your talent is astounding.

  3. I like remarry. These are the thoughts that need to be had on this subject; and more.

  4. All are stout, but like Remary in particular. Well done. Very cool venue. Congrats.

  5. Congratulations! You must be stoked to have all three poems living and breathing side by side!

  6. The three flow one into another like one of those pond waterfalls. Remarry is fantastic, but the middle spoke to me the most. The first touched me also. Oh hell, I like them all. You're the best, Ang.

  7. Are you in the genre wars antho? Do you think they'd hate me if I wrote yoda against yoga?

  8. Love them, Angel... Great writers like you allow the rest of us to keep at our game... I look foward, as always, to more...

  9. Your poetry makes me want to try, but then I remember how much mine sucks;)
    I'm late, but wanted to chime in - all three seem to convey something profound in each of us, but in a way that only your uncommon perspective enlightens.

  10. Angel,
    Great Flashshot this morning, Boss!
    Blog looking GOOD!
