Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why You Shouldn’t Buy My Book

In the advent of my publisher, Panic Press suddenly calling it quits, there are some unresolved issues. For one thing, my book, The Man of Shadows is still available in certain markets. If you purchase the print and/or the Kindle version, I won’t receive any compensation for it. Translation: At this time, please don’t buy my book in print or e-pub form from anywhere or anyone. Secondly, there are a lot of angry writers from the Panic Press line who are battling for reimbursement of unfulfilled orders and unseen royalties, so I can easily feel my rage beginning to froth at the surface again, and I’m trying to remain moderately professional about the entire ordeal.

The small press is a wonderful resource for aspiring authors to see their work published, but if you’re not careful it can also turn and bite you on the ass. As I still retain all rights to my work, my hope is to have another publisher pick my book up, dust it off, and make it available on their shelves. Yes, I know I can self-publish, but it just won’t feel the same to me… you know what I’m saying?

In general, and this is cumulative to this situation and my growing weariness with publications, I feel a bit like a home in need of a makeover. Maybe I’ve reached a crossroads. There are definitive choices to be made. Either way, The Man of Shadows will be slipping back into the darkness for awhile.



  1. Sorry about that. Hope it gets picked up by someone good.

  2. Big-time bummer. Hope it sorts out for you.

  3. That sucks. I will keep all my digits crossed in the hope that The Man of Shadows will find a good home. It is a very good book, and deserves an easy path to many bookshelves.

  4. Thank you fellow writers. Although there is some sadness, I'm staying positive about the doors opening up before me.

  5. There are always more doors to open, Angel. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you.

  6. That really sucks. I'm glad you have all your rights, at least.
    At first, I felt like you re: self-publishing but not anymore. I love being the captain of my own ship. :)

  7. :-( Dude that is truly the dumps, I'm sorry to hear that, but keep your chin up, good things can only come of this. Best wishes.

  8. Any chance you can join a class action against the former heads, Angel? That is a rotten position to be put in.

  9. Kathleen- I appreciate the digit crossing ;)

    Laura- Thank you, captain, my captain.

    Nicole- The chin remains up. Thanks!

    John- Appreciate the advice, but that's not the direction I want to take it. It all part of being in the small press industry.

    Well, I might add, it appears the situation has made a complete 180 degree turn from when I first posted this yesterday. A very positive turn with news I shall be sharing real soon. Stay tuned!

  10. Publishing is a personal journey, whether you walk the path alone or go with a traditional publishing house, each has its own pros and cons. What matters is what you’ve put out there in the universe. Everyone makes their own judgment when it comes time to click the number of stars, and whether the book is self-published or not, I don’t think factors in at that moment.

  11. Glad to hear you have good news on the topic - last I checked, "The Man of Shadows" had some pretty good stars behind it, so I've no doubt that its slip into darkness will be brief.

  12. Panic Press ripped me off in terms of doing a title for an anthology I was trying to do called Quakes And Storms 2: Mother Nature Is A Bitch. Sam Cox went and stole the title for her anthology, basically doing a 76 page chapbook then charging $16.00 for the fucking thing. I am publishing some of her refugees in an anthology that's going to a museum. Cox tried to ruin my career as a publisher and her supporters saying my publishing company should be the one folding not hers -- fuck them. Good luck with your publications man though I don't subscribe to erotica.
