Sunday, June 19, 2011

Moon Pie featured at The New Flesh

It's been awhile since I've had anything published over at The New Flesh. This time, I give soft sci-fi a try. The story is called Moon Pie.

It begins, "Glen Horn believed his mother was a portal for interstellar travel..."

Stop by and support this publisher of all things weird.

Thanks to editor, William Pauley III.


  1. Just commented over at The New Flesh:

    As always, Angel leaves us floating in wonder. Odd, almost sad and mystical. "...a void of frigid space and dead stars" - poetry.

  2. Congrats! The New Flesh is an awesome ezine!

  3. Congrats! I really enjoyed the story. I love upbeat, quirky tales like this. And the title "Moonpie" is perfect. Nice job!

  4. All hail the moon pie and interstellar time traveling portals this side of the Orion.

    Ya know I love it.
