Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Poem: Chasing Philosophy at Red Fez

The December issue of Red Fez just went live! You can find my poem, Chasing Philosophy, listed under the poetry tab. An excerpt:

Per their website, “Red Fez is an artist-run organization determined to publish and promote creative, meaningful and accessible artistic pursuits and collaborations. Our mission is to provide opportunities for writers, artists and musicians to create, promote, publish and profit (in kind, in cash, in notoriety, in backrubs - hey artists will take whatever they can get these days!) from their work; and for readers, art enthusiasts and music fans to discover, connect and support art and artists meaningful and entertaining to them. We believe in accessible art and an accessible artistic community. Red Fez is a melting pot of people interested in creating, sharing and discovering writing, music, art and more.”

Submission guidelines can be found here.

Thank you, Michael Grover and all the staff at Red Fez.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012 MicroHorror Story Contest: The Blood Worms is a Winner

Nathan Rosen, editor of the horror flash fiction site, MicroHorror, has announced the winners of the 2012 Short Story Contest. Three winning entries were chosen. It thrills me to announce my story, The Blood Worms was one of them.

My sincere thanks goes out to the judges: Nathan Rosen, Oonah V. Joslin, and Michael A. Arnzen.

And a big congrats to my fellow authors and their winning tales:
Chiseled by Caelin Beaty
Disturbing Art by Mara Morrigan

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Incurable Weight of the Breathless at eSteampunk

eFiction publishes a variety of genre magazines (adventure, fantasy, horror, noir, romance, sci-fi, Steampunk, humor) every month. Submissions guidelines for their Steampunk issues can be found here. I highly recommend you spend some time exploring the many offerings they have available.

My poem, The Incurable Weight of the Breathless, appears in their latest Steampunk issue, eSteampunk December 2012. The following is an excerpt of my poem:

My thanks to editor, Mandy Brown, whose valuable feedback was most appreciated.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Reading Recommendation: Krystal Lambert at Doxa Literary Journal

Today’s recommendation is a departure from the often horrific, darker works I normally pimp. These particular poems explore one woman’s spirituality, spoken with a passionately, soothing persistence. This collection of nine poems by Krystal Lambert appears at Doxa: Nebraska Christian College's Undergraduate Literary Journal. From the opening lines of Pale Joy:

dear somber and sorrow
stop sleeping on my doorstep
stop sinking my heart

to the soulful pleas of her heartbreaking For Lovers:

breathe of beasts and baubles and beauty
wrap me in worth
torture me in tenderness
crown me in color
love me in lavender
that i might not find my heart in ashes

I was enamored with her honest and plainly-spoken prose. No matter what walk of faith you cling to, I believe a bit of her quiet divinity can offer something to ponder for days to come. Let’s face it, we can all benefit from a dose of optimism. I leave you with a passage from her thoughtfully stirring Temple of Bones:

Within my flesh
despite my filth
You place Your Spirit
among the wreckage.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Simultaneous Submissions: To Do or Not To Do

Most online and print publications clearly state their preference for simultaneous submissions. Some will accept them; no problem. Some will accept them with stipulations. Some will absolutely not have anything to do with them.

By definition, a simultaneous submission is a completed manuscript (and here you can insert whatever specific type you choose: poem, flash fiction, short story, novella, novel, etc.) that the writer sends out to more than one publisher / editor. Every publication has a different response time, so the idea is for the writer to submit copies of their work to multiple publishers, thus increasing the chance for a ‘timely’ acceptance / rejection notification.

Examples of publisher preferences for simultaneous submissions:
Yes— Sundog Lit
Yes (with stipulations)— Boston Literary Magazine

If a writer’s work is accepted by one particular journal / magazine/ online pub/ press, it then becomes her responsibility to contact all the other publications she submitted to and inform them her work is no longer available for consideration.

This is where editors often run into a problem. They might love this writer’s work and want nothing more than to publish it but, unknown to them, it’s been accepted somewhere else… and the writer may have forgotten to communicate this fact. They may have already cleared the page space and closed submissions for their latest issue, and now they’ve lost the opportunity to present this writer’s work.

I guarantee this writer will never be welcome to submit to them again. For reals.

In my own opinion— and as the majority of publications I submit to are unpaid gigs— I see very little benefit in simultaneous submissions. Using myself as an example, I don’t let just any stranger hold my baby (my crafted words). I carefully choose where and to whom my work is sent. I want that publisher to take their time and really give my submission a fair shake before passing judgment. If rejected, I move on to plan B (always have a plan B thru Z) and submit elsewhere. And in reality, what’s the big hurry anyway? Use that anxious waiting time to continue creating new works.

The only time I consider submitting the same work to more than one publisher at a time is when there’s an opportunity to receive payment (if the selected publisher is open to this option). The benefit here is obvious— ker ching, ker ching… $$. BUT, if you’re lacking follow up skills, don’t bother as failing to alert publishers of acceptance elsewhere may burn bridges you may like to one day walk across.

In a nutshell, for me, I just don’t do it.

How do you feel about it?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Bully at 101 Fiction

101 Fiction publishes micro fiction that must be 101 words long, consisting of a one word title and one hundred word story.” They are currently open to submissions in the following genres: science fiction, fantasy, horror and surreal. Read guidelines here.

My story, Bully is featured today.

Big shout out to editor, John Xero. Thanks!

Friday Reading Recommendation: Listerature at Little Fiction

This week I highly recommend you invest some time to read Little Fiction’s Listerature, Vol. 1. In the past, I’ve read stories presented in the form of a list, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen them put into a collection. I gotta say, they are impressive. Writers explore everything from to-do lists to bucket lists and anything in between. My favorite is the creepy and amazing That Song The Police Sing by Kristy Logan and Helen Sedgwick. You can download the entire issue for free.

Little Fiction is currently seeking submission for Listerature, Vol. 2 as well as their monthly online issues. Read guidelines here.

If you like what you read, and you can track them down, please make sure you let editor, Troy Palmer, and the featured writers know.


Monday, November 19, 2012

The Housekeeper at The 5-2 Crime Poetry Weekly

Excited to report my crime poem, The Housekeeper, is the poem of the day on The 5-2: Crime Poetry Weekly. Editor, Gerald So, publishes one new crime/thriller poem every week.

They also include an audio version of each author’s work. My poem is read by the talented, Deshant Paul.

Submissions are currently open. Per the guidelines, “Holiday deadline – November 30, 2012. I'm seeking poems to run the weeks of December 24, 2012 and December 31, 2012. The poems can involve Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, or any holidays around the same time. Aside from the themes and deadline, the usual guidelines apply. I am accepting regular submissions at the same time.” Read more here.

Many thanks to Gerald So.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Reading Recommendations (November 16th): 2 Featured Writers

Cherry Lollipops by Michael A. Kechula, published at Flashes in the Dark. This story is the reason I always hang up on wrong number calls. Plus it has vampires and an insane asylum. What’s not to like about that?

Notes on the Body and The Party by Melissa Reddish, published at Scissors and Spackle. Wow. Fine, fine writing. Talk about taking life’s mundane moments— a pimple of the nose— and creating a brilliant character study. Loved every word.

If you like what you read, and you can track them down, please make sure you let these talented writers know.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Reading Recommendations (11/9): 3 Featured Writers

Twelve Steampunk Sonnets by Roz Kaveney, published at Tor. These beautifully-crafted sonnets blew my mind. You better believe I was inspired to create my own.

An Otherwise Quiet Planet by Erin Entrada Kelly, published at the author’s blog. This is a delightfully lighthearted story about weirdo neighbors. Funny thing: sometimes we’re the weirdo neighbor.

The World in Rubber, Soft and Malleable by Aaron Polson, published at A Fly in Amber. This is a quietly creeping tale of adolescence and loss. It was published a few years back, but I only recently stumbled upon it. I also did not know Aaron lost his wife earlier this year. He’s confronting the pain as we writers often do, through the written word. Read his genuinely honest outpourings on his website. My heart goes out to him and his children.

If you like what you read, please make sure you let these talented writers know.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Rejection and Acceptance Letter Etiquette: An Update

About three weeks ago I posted a query to writers and editors alike: Should a writer respond back to acceptance and/or rejection letters? You can read the original post here.

I had never read any articles about it nor had I ever discussed it with fellow writers. I felt it was a subject that needed to be addressed.

An issue that arose regarding my post was there needed to be a distinction between writers having work accepted for an online publication versus print. Correspondence with an editor for a print publication won’t end with the acceptance letter. There are contracts to sign, galley proofs to review, royalty negotiations, etc. In general, and this is my personal experience, online pub acceptances are more akin to “handshake” agreements, based on writer guideline rights, and require less follow-up.

As most of the responses I received were on my Facebook post, I thought I’d share these opinions here at the blog as well.

“I usually respond to acceptances, just to say thank you and to let them know that I am still interested because I find a lot of acceptance notices request confirmation of this.” - Chantal Boudreau (Writer)

“I respond to most with a thank you, looking forward to publication, etc, or with requested information.” - Erin Cole (Writer)

“I always respond to an acceptance with a thank you.” – Thomas Pluck (Writer)

“I usually send off a ‘thank you’ for acceptances...” – Chris Allinotte (Writer)

“It is extremely important to reply to every acceptance. The editor has liked your work. You really need to let them know you have read their acceptance letter. To not respond is in very poor taste, and grounds for an editor to never accept anything else from the writer. We editors want a response when we accept your work. If we don't get that response, however short ("Thank you!" etc.) then we are left feeling you couldn't care less.” - Scathe Meic Beorh (Editor of The Bradburyesque Quarterly)

“As an editor, I don't expect a reply to anything other than a revision request. That said, I think the whole editorial staff at Every Day Fiction does one of your "butt chair wiggles" when we hear back from writers (accepted or rejected) thanking us for the time we put into our responses. As a writer, I always respond positively to both acceptances and rejections. It might just be a little drop of good karma, but every drop helps."
- J. C. Towler (Writer and editor at Every Day Fiction)

“Editors are inundated with mail, and unless they’ve written something that warrants a reply, etiquette demands I stay quiet. If it’s a book, the acceptance leads to a steady flow of mail, understandably.” - Rumjhum Biswas (Writer)

I do, always, reply to acceptance letters. Usually it’s just a little note that expresses my happiness at the acceptance and anticipation about working with them/seeing my work in their pages/whatever. My reasoning is a) I want to establish a relationship with that editor since I'll be working with them, and also for potential future projects b) sometimes letters don’t say when publication is expected, I like to get an estimate at least c) it seems like the right thing to do. As an editor I appreciate it when the writer responds to an acceptance letter because it helps make them real to me, rather than just some nebulous form around a pen name. Also, since we’ll be working on edits and stuff together, it’s nice to get started in a friendly-type way.” - Rhonda Parrish (Writer and editor of Niteblade Magazine)

“I hardly ever respond to rejections. The rare time I do, it is in response to useful feedback provided with the rejection (they get a thank you to let them know I appreciate their time and consideration) and in one case I responded because one publisher sent me a rejection notice more than a year after I had submitted a short story.” - Chantal Boudreau (Writer)

Editor rejected story but gave feedback on why. I responded to ask, if I changed the story in that way, would she like to see it again. Only done this one once, though she responded that yes, she did want to see the next draft.” John Wiswell (Writer)

“I never respond, unless like you, they have taken the time to give me valuable feedback.” - Erin Cole (Writer)

“I have responded to a few rejections when they had nice things to say but it wasn’t a good fit for them. I do not see a downside to being pleasant and professional. It is an investment which costs nothing.” – Thomas Pluck (Writer)

“... like you, if the rejection comes with helpful notes of any kind, I thank them for that too. Beyond that - no. The editors have sent out their letters and are now on to building the book/issue/etc, and most likely don’t want extra correspondence at that point.” – Chris Allinotte (Writer)

Replying to rejections? Sometimes, if the editor has said something important. I have noted this through the years: query letters for short stories get them published far quick than without them. This is because the editor is developing a relationship with you as an actual person.” - Scathe Meic Beorh (Editor of The Bradburyesque Quarterly)

“Book rejections, if a form rejection, does not require a response."
- Rumjhum Biswas (Writer)

“I always respond to rejection letters with a hand written note thanking them for their time and consideration in regards my story. I also include a $2.50 Visa gift card with a note saying ‘this cuppa Joe is on me.’ And at a convention a woman walked up to my booth handed me her card and asked if I knew who she was, when I told her no, she reminded me that I sent her a thank you note for a rejection letter. She bought two of my books and said she wasn’t surprised to see me doing well. This is not what I thought would happen when I sent those thank you notes, there was no ulterior motive. I sent them because I wanted to say thank you.” – Crystal Connor (Writer)

“As a writer I never reply to rejection letters for reasons that are probably obvious. (As an editor) I never expect or want replies to rejection letters though, even to personal rejection letters. There’s nothing wrong with them (so long as they aren’t arrogant or argumentative) but they aren’t necessary either.” - Rhonda Parrish (Writer and editor of Niteblade Magazine)


In his memoir ‘A Simple Act of Gratitude’ author John Kralik writes about how sending ‘thank-you’ notes changed his life. Based on the responses above, maybe it’s time I made this very same change.

Thank you to all the writers and editors who took the time to share their views.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Reading Recommendations: 3 Featured Writers

Thought I’d take a moment to share links to some recent favorite reads of mine. These stories are intense and do not disappoint.

Judith of the Lions by R.S. Bohn, published at Three-Lobe Burning Eye. This beautifully apocalyptic story is truly haunting and tears at the heart.

7 Seconds by Erin Cole, published at All Due Respect. You are going to love how Erin captures so much gritty action in a second by second portrait of terror.

Thirsty? by Jennifer Ripley, published at Every Day Fiction. It’s a nasty little zombie tale that’s stomach-churning yet satisfying on the palate.

If you like what you read, make sure you let these talented writers know.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Horror: Lost Soles at Thrillers, Killers ‘n’ Chillers

Thrillers, Killers ‘n’ Chillers recently held the 2012 Halloween Horror Competition. To my delight, my story Lost Soles won first place! There’s no better day than Halloween for a writer of horror to be published.

Three runner-up writers were also recognized for their brilliant works of horror. Please show your support by dropping by, reading, and if you can, provide some feedback.

The Granny Farmer by Lee Hughes
The Perfect Wife by Allan Watson
Gabriel’s Reflection by A J Humpage

Many thanks to the accomplished authors/editors of TKnC: Lily Childs, Col Bury, Matt Hilton, and David Barber.

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rejection and Acceptance Letter Etiquette: When should a writer respond?


Should a writer respond back to acceptance and/or rejection letters? I’m not sure if there’s a true standard practice, but here’s my take on the issue:
Acceptances— I do not reply to 97% of manuscript acceptances. I do smile and sometimes perform a happy, ‘wiggle my butt in the chair as I read it’ dance, but I won’t respond unless I need to sign and return a contract. My 3% exception is for those acceptance letters that are more than just a form response. If an editor takes the time to communicate specific passages from my manuscript they liked or loved, I want to make sure they know I appreciate it.

Rejections— I do not reply to 99% of rejections. The remaining 1% is reserved for editors who provide an unsolicited critique with the rejection letter. This is a rare, invaluable opportunity for honest-to-goodness feedback, and in my opinion, deserves— at the very least— a sincere thank you for their efforts and time.


Editors— What are your expectations?

Writers— What is your practice?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

MicroHorror 2012 Story Contest: The Blood Worms

Editor Nathan Rosen is accepting submissions for the MicroHorror 2012 Story Contest. This year's theme is "Art."

My piece, The Blood Worms, was published today.

Thanks, Nathan!

Friday, October 5, 2012

New Poetry: Brood and Mass and Mirrors at Mused

I’m happy to report my poems, Brood and Mass and Mirrors, have been published in the latest issue of Mused: BellaOnline Literary Review. The Fall 2012 Issue is loaded with new poetry, fiction, non-fiction, art and photography, and interviews.

They are currently accepting submissions for the Winter Solstice 2012 issue. You can find the guidelines here.

Thanks to publisher/editor Lisa Shea and all the staff at Mused.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New Poetry: Snowmouth at Every Day Poets

My dark/thriller poem, Snowmouth, is featured today at Every Day Poets. The staff at EDP work very hard to continually present readers with new works of poetry every single day of the year. Let them know you appreciate their efforts by spending some time on their site. Read the work of poets and, if their words move you, let them know by leaving a comment.

As ever, thanks to editors Oonah V. Joslin, Kathleen Cassen Mickelson, Constance Brewer, and Jeff Jeppesen.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Penny Fiction at From the Depths

Haunted Waters Press has released their latest issue of From the Depths. This is a very slick online horror magazine. Do yourself a favor and plunge into its bloody pages.

They also include a Penny Fiction microflash feature in every issue. The Fall 2012 Issue showcases 13-word horror stories. I’m thrilled to report my story, After Lovemaking, was one of the chosen tales.

Many thanks to editors Susan Warren Utley and Penny Dreadful. Guidelines for open submissions can be found here.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Simon Comes to Life at Flash Pulp

Flash Pulp has released an audio presentation of my weird tale, Nothing Simple About Simon. The story was originally published in the Devilfish Review.

Jessica May and Opopanax did a wonderful job. Thanks to Jrd Skinner for the open invitation. I'm quite pleased. There's just something so special about hearing stories read aloud.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bradburyesque Quarterly: Halloween, 2032

The inaugural issue of the Bradburyesque Quarterly was launched today. Writer and Editor, Scathe meic Beorh, has put together a collection of stories and poems “dedicated to the great master” Ray Bradbury. The Autumn 2012 issue collects work from Ron Yungul, Jim Clinch, Scathe meic Beorh, Ben Thomas, Michael Lee, John Grey, and me with my story, “Halloween, 2032." Read the first issue here.

Submissions are open for the Winter 2012 issue (November 2nd publication date). Scathe says, “Send your best stories to Bradburyesque Quarterly. Stories you think Ray Bradbury himself would love to read. Stories you think he may have wanted to write. Stories he may have collected as a boy growing up in Waukegan, in Tucson, in Los Angeles. Stories he would cherish, talk about, be inspired by.” The full guidelines can be found here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Prayer Sieve in MICROW Summer Issue #7

The latest issue of Microw is out! It has tons of amazing fiction and poetry based on the theme: Home. Go here to download your FREE copy. My poem, "The Prayer Sieve" can be found within its pages alongside some very talented folk: Aleathia Drehmer, Leon Jackson Davenport, Kristin Fouquet, Joseph Grant, Dorothee, Lang Doug Mathewson, Linda Simoni-Wastila, Gita Smith, and many, many more.

Thanks to editor, Michael Solender.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tin Men at Every Day Poets

I have a new poem up at Every Day Poets called Tin Men. It's a semi-autobiographical piece stemming from childhood.

As always, big thank yous to Oonah V. Joslin, Kathleen Cassen Mickelson, Constance Brewer, and the rest of the EDP staff.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Great Big Little Poems Contest: Tanka

My winning poem, Chimes a Bluebell Sky, is featured today at Every Day Poets. It should take you all of ten seconds to read, but I hope it sticks with you a lot longer.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Great Big Little Poems Contest Winner

Earlier this week I received word that a tanka I wrote was chosen as a winner for the Every Day Poets Great Big Little Poems Contest.

For those unfamiliar with the Japanese form of Tanka, click here and also read some fantastic works over at American Tanka. My work is an American version of the poetic form.

7 winners in all were chosen for the week long event beginning on July 8th featuring Jennifer Stakes, Chen-ou Liu, Kent Reed, Angel Zapata, Maeve Heneghan, Jody Costa, and Marion Clarke.

Please do stop by each day. Works will also include other Japanese forms of poetry: Haiku, Senryu, and Haibun.

My congrats to all of the winning writers. Many thanks to editor Constance Brewer and all the other judges.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Devilfish Review: Nothing Simple About Simon

Devilfish Review is “A quarterly online magazine devoted to short and flash fiction, often of the science fiction and fantasy variety.”

Issue Two is live! You can find my story, Nothing Simple About Simon in its online pages.

I must thank founding editors Cathy Lopez and Sarah McDonald for helping me make improvements to the original manuscript. I’m very pleased with the outcome and hope all of you will enjoy my tale of a young man who listens with his eyes and is completely blind.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Durable Goods Issue #60: Pronunciation

Several months ago I was asked by the amazing poet/editor, Aleathia Drehmer, to submit work for Durable Goods. I'm happy to report my poem, Pronunciation, and poems by Craig Scott and Joseph Gant appeared in Issue #60. Per the blog, "Durable Goods is a print micro-zine that is sent all over the United States and several places internationally as well. It features 2-3 writers an issue that have been invited to participate. This publication remains invitation only. This zine was set up to rekindle the idea of human connection and to retain the romance of the printed word in an age when everything is going digital. Durable Goods is lucky enough to have collaborative distro with many fine print zines that can be found in the Durable Writers section or in the blogs themselves. Please support these small press publishers. Buy books. We love books!!!"

Get a hold of this sweet, little mag and don't let go. The latest issue of Durable Goods, #64, is out now!

Thank you, Aleathia!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Microhorror: The Third Annual Serial Killers Convention

Editor, Nathan Rosen has new flash fiction up at Microhorror. Alongside some great horror writers, three of my tiny tales have been published: The Third Annual Serial Killers Convention, Flight of the Dragonflies, and At Last, Matthew Scores an Alien.

Nathan is constantly updating the site with dozens of horror stories. Stop by daily, read the latest bite-sized horror, and peruse the archived tales. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Poem: The Bedroom Starlet at Right Hand Pointing

The latest issue of Right Hand Pointing is live! Issue #51 is exclusive to twelve very short poems, under 30 words apiece. My poem, The Bedroom Starlet can found there.

You can read the entire issue in just a few minutes. Please do take the time to do so.

And a huge shout out to editor, Dale Wisely for the acceptance.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Carrion Folk at Bewildering Stories

I've been somewhat off the grid as of late, but that's only because I've been busy writing and submitting work to publications. So I guess that's an acceptable excuse. And new work will be appearing in a slew of online mags. That's what's called a happy-happy, joy-joy dance time.

Anyway, one spanking new tale can be found in the latest issue of Bewildering Stories. Stop by and read all about the Vulture Man and the soft-hearted folk he's hunting in "Carrion Folk."

There's also a poem, Aurora Over Iceland, by a writer who should be familiar to most of you, Oonah V. Joslin. Check it out.

Many thanks to editor, Don Webb.

Monday, March 19, 2012

MR. GLAMOUR by Richard Godwin

Mr. Richard Godwin, dubbed 'the Next Stephen King' by Don McCauley of CNN iReport for his debut novel Apostle Rising, is a prolific writer of immense talent. A very recent work, Schizo Numericus can be read on the site The Leaky Pencil for their 9 Days of Madness series. He is also host to some of the most thought-provoking and engaging interviews at his blog, Chin Wag at the Slaughterhouse. It's my sincere pleasure to feature a guest post by a brilliant author, Richard Godwin, who talks about his upcoming novel release of Mr. Glamour.


Designer goods, beautiful women, wealthy men, a lifestyle preyed on by a serial killer.

A killer who is watching everyone, including the police.

Latest headlines?

No, an outline of my second novel, Mr. Glamour.

My debut novel Apostle Rising was published in paperback by Black Jackal Books last year. It was about a serial killer crucifying politicians, and sold extremely well, received excellent reviews, and sold foreign rights to the largest publisher in Hungary.

Now Black Jackal Books have published Mr. Glamour, and I’d like to tell you a bit about it. The settings are exotic, and the pages drip with wealth. The story’s told in my usual style, and my readers will know what that means. I have been told I write with a blend of lyricism and graphic description. I like to explore what motivates people and I certainly do so with the leading characters in Mr. Glamour.

The two central cops, DCI Jackson Flare and Inspector Steele, are unusual and strong in their own ways, as reviewers are already picking up. At the beginning of the novel Steele hates working with Flare for personal reasons. She doesn’t by the end, and the investigation takes them both on a journey which changes them and their opinions of one another.

Let me give you the setting if you are tempted to read Mr. Glamour.

Something dark is preying on the glitz of the glamour set. There is a lot about designer goods and lifestyles in Mr. Glamour. The killer knows all about design, he knows what brands mean to his victims. He is branding their skins. And he has the police stumped.

As Flare and Steele investigate the killings they enter an exclusive world with its own rules and quickly realise the man they are looking for is playing a game with them, a game they cannot interpret. The killer is targeting an exclusive group of people he seems to know a lot about.

The police investigation isn’t helped by the fact that Flare and Steele have troubled lives. Harlan White, a pimp who got on the wrong side of Flare, is planning to have him killed. And Steele has secrets. She leads a double life. She is an interesting woman who pushes her sexual boundaries in private. She travels a journey into her own past and rescues herself. And in a strange way she is helped by the killer she is looking for. And Flare has some revelations in store.

As they try to catch a predator who has climbed inside their heads, they find themselves up
against a wall of secrecy. The investigation drives Flare and Steele to acts of darkness. And the killer is watching everyone.

Then there is the sub plot.

Contrasting this lifestyle is the suburban existence of Gertrude Miller, who acts out strange rituals, trapped in a sterile marriage to husband Ben. She cleans compulsively and seems to be hiding something from him, obsessed that she is being followed. As she slips into a psychosis, characters from the glamorous set stray into Gertrude’s world, so the two plots dovetail neatly with one another.

And when Flare and Steele make an arrest they discover there is far more to this glamorous world than they realised. There is a series of shocks at the end of the novel as a set of fireworks go off. Watch out for the highly dramatic ending.

It is already picking up some great reviews.

Advance praise for Mr. Glamour:
“Richard Godwin knows how his characters dress, what they drink and what they drive. He knows how they live--- and how they die. Here's hoping no one recognized themselves in Godwin's cold canvas. Combines the fun of a good story with the joy of witty, vivid writing.”
Heywood Gould, author of The Serial Killer's Daughter.

“Smart, scary, suspenseful enough for me to keep the light on until 3AM on a Sunday night, Richard Godwin once more proves to fans of crime fiction the world over with Mr. Glamour, that he is not only one of the best contemporary writers of the procedural cop thriller around today, he is a master storyteller.”
Vincent Zandri, author of Scream Catcher.

“Richard Godwin’s top-of-the-line psychological police procedural driven by its heady pace, steely dialogue, and unsparing vision transfixes the reader from page one.” Ed Lynskey, author of Skin In The Game.

“Mr. Glamour is a striking effort from one of the most daring crime writers in the business. It is the noirest of noir...and hellishly addictive.”
Mike Stafford, BookGeeks Magazine.

“This first rate detective thriller will have you gripped from the start. Richard Godwin is an author not to be missed.”
Sheila Quigley, author of Thorn In My Side.

“Mr Glamour is, in every sense of the word, the real McCoy: genuine hard boiled detective fiction. Lean, gritty, and tough, it’s a journey into the heart of darkness ... you won’t soon forget. Connoisseurs of Nouveau Noir will have to add Richard Godwin to the list of writers to watch!”
C E Lawrence, author of Silent Kills.

“Involving and compellingly sinister, Richard Godwin’s Mr. Glamour portrays cops and criminals, the mad and the driven in a novel of psychological noir. Read it while snuggling with your stuffed teddy bear for comfort.”
Gary Phillips, author of Treacherous: Grifters, Ruffians and Killers

“This is one outstanding novel written by one amazing author.”
Fran Lewis Review

I think Mr. Glamour will appeal to mystery and crime aficionados, to readers interested in psychological profiling and designer lifestyles, to thriller and noir fans, and to anyone who enjoys a fast paced narrative with strong characters.

Mr. Glamour can be bought now at,, at all good retailers online, and in stores in April. If you Google it you should see a range of options come up.

And you can find out more about me at my website and my stories here.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Five Sentence Fiction: Tattered

I stumbled upon Lillie McFerrin’s Five Sentence Fiction site and decided to join in on the fun. Per Lillie’s blog, “Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week I will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.”

This week’s word is Tattered. Go ahead and give it a try. Here’s my take:


She no longer lets me see her face. At first, it was the way she combed her hair, but after awhile I noticed light bulbs missing from lamps and ceiling fans. One night, she returned from the drugstore with gauze and wrapped her entire head in tatters of white cloth. Now she’s become a mummy, shuffling through dark hallways and rooms, moaning and mourning for our dead child. I drained the swimming pool months ago, but she still won’t go near it.

Copyright © 2012 Angel Zapata

Thursday, February 16, 2012

100 Horrors: Tales of Horror in the Blink of an Eye

It's available now from Cruentus Libri Press for your Kindle! It contains one hundred, 100-word stories of horror. My story, Resurrection Love is included. Purchase it at Amazon!

Per their website: This anthology contains stories from the following word-class authors: Phil Ambler, Sharla Anderson, A.R. Aston, Darren Barker, Colin F. Barnes, Nathan Barnes, Anne E. Barringer, C.G. Bauer, David Bernstein, Stacy Bolli, Cheryl Brandys, Jason D. Brawn, Robert D. Brewer, Russell Brown, Kevin G. Bufton, Nate D. Burleigh, J.D. Carter, S.J. Caunt, Lily Childs, Alex Clements, R. M. Cochran, Scott Cole, Josh Cook, Anthony Cowin, Marius Renos Dicomites, Michael Dortmundt, James Everington, James Fadeley, Kurt Fawver, Ed Fortune, J. Rodimus Fowler, Jamie Freeman, Charlotte Emma Gledson, Ken Goldman, Rich Gray, Rachel Green, V.Ð. Griedoorn, Naryssa Eve Hamilton, Miriam H. Harrison, Tony Healey, Quinn Hernandez, Christopher Hivner, Gill Hoffs, Jack Horne, Sebastian J. Howley, Paul S. Huggins, Allen Jacoby, William J. Joel, K. Trap Jones, Neil Kloster, Kim Krodel, Lisamarie Lamb, Veronica Marie Lewis-Shaw, David Lightfoot, Bob Lock, Aurelio Rico Lopez III, Chris Marrs, Cee Martinez, Jon McAchren, L.H. McGuire, Jessica McHugh, Alec McQuay, Kate Monroe, Matt Moody, Noah Mullette-Gillman, David Naughton-Shires, Peter Newman, Paco, I.S. Paton, Dan Pawley, Jeremy Peterson, Daniel E. Potts, Bruce L. Priddy, Shawn M. Riddle, Suzanne Robb, R. Phillip Roberts, S. Wayne Roberts, Nathan Robinson, H.J. Rodgers, Robert Ropars, Brian Rosenberger, Abigail Runkle, Brandon Scott, Marc Shapiro, Lance Shoeman, Lisa Ann Smith, James Steele, Kristal Stittle, Gene Tanta, David Thomas, Alexander W. Tkachuk, Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, Laura Ann Via, Jonathan Ward, Ren Warom, Pavelle Wesser, Neil Weston, Andrew J. Wilson, John Xero and Angel Zapata.

My sincere thanks to editor and writer Kevin G. Bufton.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trestle Press Copyright Infringement Allegations

Many of you are probably aware there’s been a buzz regarding artistic copyright infringements by Trestle Press. I don’t have the time or the energy to list the growing list of links. It’s out there if you feel like spending the time Googling away.

My decision based on the evidence was to sever ties with my publisher. What follows is the exact e-mail I sent to publisher, Giovanni Gelati:

“Wow, I've been reading all the posts regarding Trestle. I've also read your posts regarding the facts. It's definitely disappointing and I'm sorry this has happened regardless of intent. I was really looking forward to working with you. At this point, I've had way too many bad experiences with copyright infringements and plagiarism, and don't want to be part of a heartbreak to anyone's creation. Sadly, and I do mean sadly, I will need to sever our relationship. I have nothing personal against you, but I've made up my mind.

Please remove my series, The Man of Shadows from the Trestle Press catalogue, provide me sales figures, and send all royalties owed to my Paypal acct.

I hate this has happened.

Angel Zapata”

And his response:

“sure thing, thanks.”

Oh, well. I guess that fuckin’ sums it up.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shirt City Blues at The Flash Fiction Offensive

My latest story, Shirt City Blues has been published at that seething cauldron of crime/noir, The Flash Fiction Offensive. The entire piece is nothing but dialogue between an abusive father and his cunning son.

Writer/editor David Barber has put together a dynamite e-zine of gritty and sometimes downright nasty works from a slew of talented writers. Spend some time at TFFO; you won't regret it.

And just in case you missed it, back in December my story, Dead Giveaway also appeared on The Flash Fiction Offensive. This tale is about a guy who, after spending twenty-five years in prison, returns to the old neighborhood. Gone are the pool halls and strip joints and in are the Walmart shopping centers and Disney souvenir shops. Things do not go well for him.
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Friday, January 6, 2012

My Interview at the Flash Fiction Chronicles

Rumjhum Biswas interviews me over at the Flash Fiction Chronicles. We talk about the writing life, short-short stories, and the challenges of penning a 5x5 Fiction piece.

Thank you, Rumjhum! I really had a wonderful time.