The great online horror magazine Tales from the Moonlit Path has published my poem, At Most in their June 2009, Issue 13. They have so much good work on this site. Please visit and send them your best work. They are also sponsoring the "Thirsty Vampire Contest," looking for vampiric tales under 2000 words.
My sincere thanks to editor, Tricia Urlaub and poetry editor, Terrie Leigh Relf.
Welcome to "A Rage of Angel." Don't worry, I'm not angry. I'm a writer. An unpaid writer. I submit work to print and online publications. On occasion, they accept it. I (mostly) don't get paid. Nope. Sure don't. Okay. Maybe I am angry. Deep breaths. I need money. I get hungry. *sigh* Pardon my tirade. As I was saying, I'm a writer. Welcome to my site.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Full of Crow: Excerpts from The Diary of Noah's Wife
Full of Crow has published my story, Excerpts from The Diary of Noah's Wife in their July 2009 issue. They've formatted the font to appear handwritten for an authentic diary entry. It's brilliant!
A huge thank you to editor, Lynn Alexander.
Fellow writer Michael Solender also has his story, Getting Ready published in this month's issue. There are many great writers and poets featured. Please take the time to read their work.
Stop by Michael Solender's blog and tell him what you think:
Sorry folks, this story no longer exists anywhere in cyberspace.
A huge thank you to editor, Lynn Alexander.
Fellow writer Michael Solender also has his story, Getting Ready published in this month's issue. There are many great writers and poets featured. Please take the time to read their work.
Stop by Michael Solender's blog and tell him what you think:
Sorry folks, this story no longer exists anywhere in cyberspace.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The House of Horror: Inaugural Issue
A brand new horror e-zine, House of Horror launched it's inaugural issue today. The magazine has stories, poetry, interview and film reviews posted in different theme rooms. My erotic horror tale, "Neighbors" can be found in The Master Bedroom.
My sincere thanks to editor, Sam Cox.
And while you're out there, fellow writer and editor of Flashes in the Dark, Robert Eccles also has his work, "Remi Thibodeaux's Strange Collection" laid to rest in the Graveyard.
My sincere thanks to editor, Sam Cox.
And while you're out there, fellow writer and editor of Flashes in the Dark, Robert Eccles also has his work, "Remi Thibodeaux's Strange Collection" laid to rest in the Graveyard.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Jay Holmes: Writer Spotlight
My recommended author of the week is the multifaceted and sharp-witted writer, Jay Holmes. His work rips away the veil of pretense and valiantly kicks down the door of every societal taboo. “My son is playing with a retarded kid but my son is too young to realize the kid is retarded…” from 8 Thousand Dollar Tits.
He’s equally proficient when utilizing irreverent humor from the delighted observations of a loving Dad. “It wasn't my intention to buy a package of Oreo Cookies but I felt I couldn't just put them back on the shelf after he (the Author’s son, Jake) rubbed his nuts all over them. When I was walking down the milk aisle somebody came up to me and said ‘so your son really likes Oreos I see…” from Cookies.
His blog site is aptly named “jayonguitar’s posterous.” And although it’s easy to hear and picture the vibrant intonation of his soulful music, I can’t say enough about how sweet his words taste on the page.
Works of interest include:
McDonald’s Ball Pit
flash fiction published on The New Absurdist:
8 Thousand Dollar Tits
flash fiction work published on 13 Stitches:
Backwards Fairy Tale
flash fiction work published on Six Sentences:
flash fiction work published on the Author’s blog:
Visit Jay’s blog for daily ramblings, new posted works, and other relevant links:
He’s equally proficient when utilizing irreverent humor from the delighted observations of a loving Dad. “It wasn't my intention to buy a package of Oreo Cookies but I felt I couldn't just put them back on the shelf after he (the Author’s son, Jake) rubbed his nuts all over them. When I was walking down the milk aisle somebody came up to me and said ‘so your son really likes Oreos I see…” from Cookies.
His blog site is aptly named “jayonguitar’s posterous.” And although it’s easy to hear and picture the vibrant intonation of his soulful music, I can’t say enough about how sweet his words taste on the page.
Works of interest include:
McDonald’s Ball Pit
flash fiction published on The New Absurdist:
8 Thousand Dollar Tits
flash fiction work published on 13 Stitches:
Backwards Fairy Tale
flash fiction work published on Six Sentences:
flash fiction work published on the Author’s blog:
Visit Jay’s blog for daily ramblings, new posted works, and other relevant links:
The Daily Tourniquet: Whipping Boy
My wickedly visceral tale of violent madness, “Whipping Boy” is featured today at The Daily Tourniquet.
A big thank you goes out to editor, Jeffrey Conolly who has done an outstanding job of promoting the writers and film directors appearing on his dark e-zine through Twitter, online forum discussions, and a weekly video update which airs on Sundays.
If you’re a horror enthusiast, then please support this site with your blood…uh…submissions and comments.
A big thank you goes out to editor, Jeffrey Conolly who has done an outstanding job of promoting the writers and film directors appearing on his dark e-zine through Twitter, online forum discussions, and a weekly video update which airs on Sundays.
If you’re a horror enthusiast, then please support this site with your blood…uh…submissions and comments.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Micro 100: At the Depot
A horror story in 22 words? Yep. Got one published over on Micro 100 entitled, "At the Depot."
While you're there, check out Rebecca Nazar's "Best Mommies." 24 words of horrible goodness.
This happens to be the last issue of the short-lived e-zine. Great stories posted on this site by editor, Dustin LaValley. Earlier this week, he announced the magazine will be going on indefinite hiatus. I wish him all the best.
While you're there, check out Rebecca Nazar's "Best Mommies." 24 words of horrible goodness.
This happens to be the last issue of the short-lived e-zine. Great stories posted on this site by editor, Dustin LaValley. Earlier this week, he announced the magazine will be going on indefinite hiatus. I wish him all the best.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Doorknobs & BodyPaint: The Work Issue, #54
My story, “The Frailty of Blood” can be found under the Dorsal fiction heading. And please check out writer, Jeanette Cheezum's amazing micro flash piece “Retribution” under the Tapas flash fiction section. There are a lot of great authors represented this month and it would be a shame for you to miss out.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Author Interview: Lorianne Zeller

"I have published and been published, but what matters most is what I am writing today."
~Lorianne, from the Author’s blog.
~Lorianne, from the Author’s blog.
Welcome to the first of many author interviews I will be hosting here at
A Rage of Angel. It is my distinct pleasure to introduce an exceptional writer whose work I greatly admire, Lorianne Zeller.
RAGE: In one sentence, describe everything there is to know about your writing.
LORIANNE: It evolves in its honesty, maturity and beauty at about the same rate that I do.
RAGE: Tell us your latest news.
LORIANNE: Started a new venture with, a community for writers. Also, some of my work will be featured this month at Outsider Writers Collective and also at Rusty Truck. I'm pretty excited about both, though I've appeared in Outside Writers Collective before, it's always a thrill to be asked.
Rusty Truck is a special thrill for me. I've religiously read it. Some of my favorite poets, whose work I respect have been published there, like Father Luke, Hosho McCreesh and William Taylor Jr. to mention just a few. Having my own words grace those same pages makes me feel all tingly and a little bit like bowing and scraping while chanting I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy.
RAGE: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
LORIANNE: You mean what things do I like to do while I'm thinking about writing but not actually doing it? Just kidding...sorta. Since moving last year to California, I've discovered I can make things grow, so I garden. I spend time with my kids as often as they will tolerate me (they're teenagers, so not that often). I paint and draw. I play a mean game of Texas hold-em from time to time.
RAGE: What do your family and friends say about your writing? Are they supportive?
LORIANNE: My extended family is barely aware of me, let alone my writing. My immediate family is very supportive and they always allow me the time and space necessary. They humor me when I talk to strangers or street people looking for experiences I will weave into stories. Both of my daughters write, not with the same rabid drive that I do and that's a good thing. My friends have always been my biggest supporters and best audience, cheerleaders and critics. I'd have to say they're the ones that keep me honest and grounded when it comes to the writing.
RAGE: One of my favorite stories you’ve written is the micro fiction piece “One Door Closes…” published on your Six Sentences blog. The confessional honesty and strong imagery really hit home for me. As a writer, I often feel like I’m hiding out “in plain sight” from my own family. Is this story based on true experience? If so, how has it changed you as a writer?
LORIANNE: That one is based on truth. To be honest even when it isn't easy, to say what’s difficult to say, to show myself as vulnerable and sometimes terribly unattractive in my humanity is something I work at in my writing, and my life.
I do come from this wildly talented family of artists, though I am the only one who writes. I think the hiding thing is part of the creative personality; like it's built in. My brother makes his living as an artist now, but as kids growing up in the same house, I never saw his work; none of us did. We were all shocked when he got a college scholarship to major in art.
I don't think having some of my family 'discover' my writing has changed how I write. I think I've been aware for some time that often a reader takes a piece as documentary, as a gospel truth reporting of facts or a diary entry, rather than a created work; understandable in my case since seeds of truth seem to always be sown within the furrows of the words. I mean we, our lives, are always in our writing... intended or not; it seems unavoidable doesn't it?
RAGE: What inspires you to keep writing?
LORIANNE: Life; if I'm brutally honest with myself, mostly the painful aspects of life. Other writers. God I love being in the company of other writers who take the craft seriously, but not themselves. Some kind of wonderful jambalaya always seems to result when you toss a wide range of creative folks into one pot. I sometimes write less often, sometimes more, but I'm always writing. Funny – I've never tired of it. My passion for it has never flickered to such a small flame that I could/would walk away from it. Words, language, writing...they've been the longest love affair of my life; fraught with all the wonder and all the angst of any love affair of course, but always enduring.
RAGE: If a publisher wanted to offer you the book deal of a lifetime, where can you be contacted? Where can we find your published work?
LORIANNE: Electronically I can be found all over the place via Google. Other than a brief stint writing non-adult content for an “adult” venture, I've always written under my own name. I already mentioned,, and of course I can always be found at
In print I can be found in some dusty old anthologies now lining birdcages or possibly in the basement of the now defunct Stand Alone Press; my mother might have a copy of a collaborative book I did with 3 other writers titled Table for Four and Other Reservations. That one I have to say was early in my poetic evolution and I am more proud of the title, which was my idea, than I am of any of the poems I contributed. Even thinking about them now makes me cringe. I really do believe what I am writing today is what matters most.
RAGE: Thank you so much, Lorianne!
RAGE: In one sentence, describe everything there is to know about your writing.
LORIANNE: It evolves in its honesty, maturity and beauty at about the same rate that I do.
RAGE: Tell us your latest news.
LORIANNE: Started a new venture with, a community for writers. Also, some of my work will be featured this month at Outsider Writers Collective and also at Rusty Truck. I'm pretty excited about both, though I've appeared in Outside Writers Collective before, it's always a thrill to be asked.
Rusty Truck is a special thrill for me. I've religiously read it. Some of my favorite poets, whose work I respect have been published there, like Father Luke, Hosho McCreesh and William Taylor Jr. to mention just a few. Having my own words grace those same pages makes me feel all tingly and a little bit like bowing and scraping while chanting I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy.
RAGE: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
LORIANNE: You mean what things do I like to do while I'm thinking about writing but not actually doing it? Just kidding...sorta. Since moving last year to California, I've discovered I can make things grow, so I garden. I spend time with my kids as often as they will tolerate me (they're teenagers, so not that often). I paint and draw. I play a mean game of Texas hold-em from time to time.
RAGE: What do your family and friends say about your writing? Are they supportive?
LORIANNE: My extended family is barely aware of me, let alone my writing. My immediate family is very supportive and they always allow me the time and space necessary. They humor me when I talk to strangers or street people looking for experiences I will weave into stories. Both of my daughters write, not with the same rabid drive that I do and that's a good thing. My friends have always been my biggest supporters and best audience, cheerleaders and critics. I'd have to say they're the ones that keep me honest and grounded when it comes to the writing.
RAGE: One of my favorite stories you’ve written is the micro fiction piece “One Door Closes…” published on your Six Sentences blog. The confessional honesty and strong imagery really hit home for me. As a writer, I often feel like I’m hiding out “in plain sight” from my own family. Is this story based on true experience? If so, how has it changed you as a writer?
LORIANNE: That one is based on truth. To be honest even when it isn't easy, to say what’s difficult to say, to show myself as vulnerable and sometimes terribly unattractive in my humanity is something I work at in my writing, and my life.
I do come from this wildly talented family of artists, though I am the only one who writes. I think the hiding thing is part of the creative personality; like it's built in. My brother makes his living as an artist now, but as kids growing up in the same house, I never saw his work; none of us did. We were all shocked when he got a college scholarship to major in art.
I don't think having some of my family 'discover' my writing has changed how I write. I think I've been aware for some time that often a reader takes a piece as documentary, as a gospel truth reporting of facts or a diary entry, rather than a created work; understandable in my case since seeds of truth seem to always be sown within the furrows of the words. I mean we, our lives, are always in our writing... intended or not; it seems unavoidable doesn't it?
RAGE: What inspires you to keep writing?
LORIANNE: Life; if I'm brutally honest with myself, mostly the painful aspects of life. Other writers. God I love being in the company of other writers who take the craft seriously, but not themselves. Some kind of wonderful jambalaya always seems to result when you toss a wide range of creative folks into one pot. I sometimes write less often, sometimes more, but I'm always writing. Funny – I've never tired of it. My passion for it has never flickered to such a small flame that I could/would walk away from it. Words, language, writing...they've been the longest love affair of my life; fraught with all the wonder and all the angst of any love affair of course, but always enduring.
RAGE: If a publisher wanted to offer you the book deal of a lifetime, where can you be contacted? Where can we find your published work?
LORIANNE: Electronically I can be found all over the place via Google. Other than a brief stint writing non-adult content for an “adult” venture, I've always written under my own name. I already mentioned,, and of course I can always be found at
In print I can be found in some dusty old anthologies now lining birdcages or possibly in the basement of the now defunct Stand Alone Press; my mother might have a copy of a collaborative book I did with 3 other writers titled Table for Four and Other Reservations. That one I have to say was early in my poetic evolution and I am more proud of the title, which was my idea, than I am of any of the poems I contributed. Even thinking about them now makes me cringe. I really do believe what I am writing today is what matters most.
RAGE: Thank you so much, Lorianne!
13 Stitches,
Lorianne Zeller,
Apollo's Lyre
Poetry Editor, Betty Dobson over at Apollo's Lyre has published my poem, "The Human Bean" in this month's issue.
They happen to be open to time to dust off those poems and flash pieces you've been hiding under your beds. Get going!
They happen to be open to time to dust off those poems and flash pieces you've been hiding under your beds. Get going!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Jodi MacArthur: Writer Spotlight
Allow me a brief moment to recommend reading Jodi MacArthur, a very talented fiction writer and poet. On her blog site, she describes herself as “Exiled in deep southern Texas, Jodi is a Seattle author hoping to write her way back to the Pacific Northwest.” There’s no doubt in my mind she’ll achieve this goal. Her work consistently integrates great imagery with solid prose, and usually dwells in the inspired realm of the fantastic. Works of interest include:
Bop Bop
short fiction published in Ray Gun Revival:
from the Ray Gun Revival contents page, “Daddy brings home an alien doll, or is it more than that?”
A Lick of Fate
poem published by The Absent Willow Review:
Passing Moments
flash fiction work published on Six Sentences:
Visit Jodi’s blog for profile information, publications credits, and other relevant links:
Bop Bop
short fiction published in Ray Gun Revival:
from the Ray Gun Revival contents page, “Daddy brings home an alien doll, or is it more than that?”
A Lick of Fate
poem published by The Absent Willow Review:
Passing Moments
flash fiction work published on Six Sentences:
Visit Jodi’s blog for profile information, publications credits, and other relevant links:
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