Welcome to "A Rage of Angel." Don't worry, I'm not angry. I'm a writer. An unpaid writer. I submit work to print and online publications. On occasion, they accept it. I (mostly) don't get paid. Nope. Sure don't. Okay. Maybe I am angry. Deep breaths. I need money. I get hungry. *sigh* Pardon my tirade. As I was saying, I'm a writer. Welcome to my site.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sonar4 Landing Dock reviews my book, The Man of Shadows
You can order yourself a copy of my book on this very page, or thru House of Horror or Panic Press.
Ebook version is also available for $4.99 at Smashwords. Smashwords also provides you with the first 30 pages of my book to read prior to purchase. Check it out!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tweet Me a Story & The Undead Submachine Gun call for submissions
Register for the Tweet Me a Story contest. It's free! You’ll have to write an entire story in 140 characters (which includes spaces). They send you the prompt for Round One on January 13th and you’ll have 5 hours to write and submit your story on the same night. $100 prize.
Visit NYC Midnight’s Tweet Me a Story Contest to register.
The Undead Submachine Gun
J. Darko is hosting a writing contest based on your choice of five prompts. Per her blog,
1. Pick a prompt
2. Email me (at darko_undead@hotmail.com) to inform me of your intent to participate
3. Write me a killer fuck’n horror story!
4. Email your polished final-draft as an attachment
Prompt 1: It’s the apocalypse, baby. Yes, your end-of-the-world event must include zombies. However, there’s a catch. The zombies must take a back seat to another pressing horror that your main character(s) will face while also having to deal with the undead horde in the backdrop. This “other horror” must be something tangible and assail your character(s) at some point in your story. How and if your character(s) prevail in the end is up to you.
Prompt 2: A horror story inspired by music.
Prompt 3: Hell on Earth.
Prompt 4: Fan-fiction…“The Walking Dead” inspired narratives.
Prompt 5: Fan-fiction…vigilante horror.
Deadline: Midnight, February 31st, 2011.
Visit The Undead Submachine Gun for all the gory details on specific prompt requirements, rules and prize info.
I'll be writing something based on prompt #1. C'mon and join me on any one of the 5 choices.
She’s got some really great prizes, so get writing!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
5x5 Fiction: Stories Told Loud and Clear now accepting submissions
I’m looking for exceptional stories to shout from rooftops. Complete stories (not rantings or poems) must be exactly 25 words long, told in exactly 5 sentences, with each sentence comprised of exactly 5 words.
Any variation from these short, sweet, strict guidelines won’t even be considered. All genres are welcome. Write it, proofread it, and send it in the body of your e-mail to loudandclearfiction (at) yahoo (dot) com. Subject line should read: 5x5_Story Title_Author's Name.
I only ask for one time publishing rights. Otherwise, all rights remain with the author. And don’t even think about plagiarizing, ‘cause you will be found out and prosecuted to the full extent of the claw. That’s right, I said “claw.” As in having your eyes clawed out. I’m deadly serious. For reals.
I have no money, so won’t be giving any away as payment. Sorry, wish I did have money for you. Hell, I wish I had money for me.
But how do I style my work, Angel?
As you would any story. I don’t want to see your work broken into poetic verses. I love poetry, but don’t want to have any submitted for this venue. Yeah, really. For God’s sake, didn’t you read the bit about the claw?
Should I provide a bio?
Yes. Make it exactly 5 words (and yeah, that includes your name). You can provide a link to your website or blog and I’ll hyperlink it to your name, so it doesn’t count toward your 5 words.
Am I making myself loud and clear?
Then get going.
-Angel Zapata, editor
December 11, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Man of Shadows available as Ebook at Smashwords
You can find your FREE 30 page download sample here. The entire ebook can be purchased for $4.99.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Panic Press needs you editors, publishers & bloggers

Monday, December 6, 2010
El Dia de los Reyes published at The Glass Coin
The concept of The Glass Coin is “every story has two sides.” Per their site, “Each issue we’ll examine two sides of an idea; two themes that are irrevocably connected. These themes may reflect each other, each helping us see the other more clearly. They may be as opposite as heads and tails or be as connected as two sides of the same coin. Every issue, it’s our hope to shatter your perceptions, make you think and make you feel something.”
Visit their Guidelines and Upcoming Themes pages for more info.
Many thanks to editors, JM Prescott & Sairah Saddal.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Bus Stop @ Not From Here, Are You?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Man of Shadows: Available now!
Yep, it's the front cover of my book. Neat, huh? Available at Panic Press and House of Horror. You can pre-order it now via the provided links or in the right column for only £7.99 (shipping has been added into price according to location). Cheap, I know. That's like, uh, you know, uh, let's see, carry the one and subtract or add something or other...in American dollars. Okay, it's actually about $12 plus shipping (thanks, Sam).
Product Description:
The Man of Shadows is a dark collection of twenty-five short horror stories.
It begins with “The Mouth of Babes,” a visceral tale of streetwalkers and addicts, morbid voyeurs, cannibalistic tattoos, and witchcraft. Jimmy only wants another photograph for his online Death Images website. But when his good friend, Steve calls him down to the morgue to see a body with a strange tattoo of a mouth on her abdomen, he learns that sometimes the dead have incurable appetites.
In “Death Reversal,” a grief-stricken wife hopes to resurrect the husband she murdered by making a long distance call to hell.
“The Bridge” pits the superstitious beliefs of the neurotically-challenged, Benson against the very real presence of a modern-day troll.
“Dead Flames” paints us a brief love story between the walking dead.
From the wicked predilections of children to the varied manifestations of evil personified, The Man of Shadows will have you running for the light.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Breathing Space up at MicroHorror
Recently, Nathan had his appendix removed; horror of the real kind. Keep getting better, buddy.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Exoneration at Bolts of Silk
My thanks to editor, Juliet Wilson.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Popularity Resurrection at Carcinogenic Poetry
While you’re there, check out my latest work, The Popularity Resurrection.
My thanks to editor, Michael Aaron Casares.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Jewel Thief: Guest Spot at The Not
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Panic Press is publishing my Short Story Collection
On the Panic Press website, Editor S.E. Cox says, “Panic Press is a new Small Press Publishing venture in association with House of Horror ezine.”
Per their submissions guidelines page, “We are currently seeking submissions of novels, novellas, chapbooks and short story/poetry collections. You can submit at anytime but our reading periods are September, December, March and June.”
Their First Official Panic Press Books include:
Tales from the Dark Side by S.E.COX (Short Story Collection)
The Man of Shadows by Angel Zapata (Short Story Collection)
Revolution City by Darren James (Novel)
Ashes in her Eyes by Alan Spencer (Novel)
Be sure to visit their submissions page, and their newly created forum, The Panic Room for general information and up-to-date announcements.
Many, many thanks to S.E. Cox for this wonderful privilege.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Plagiarists are afoot...Let's be the boot in their ass
It’s been over a year since I learned a story I wrote was stolen by a plagiarist and published under his name. Thankfully, the writing community came to bat for me and the unity we all felt was truly unbelievable. We learned a lot. We fought back. And although we couldn’t undo what was done, there was a feeling of triumph in exposing him as a fraud.
But sadly, plagiarism will never go away. Thieves will continue to steal. The best things we can do is support and encourage those victimized by these word thieves, and to keep the community active in spotting these wolves in sheep’s clothing.
There have been some recent cases. I implore each and every one of you to offer your support. Follow the links below.
Angel Zapata
AJ Brown
Plagiarism… It Effects the Family
Ramblings of a Tattooed Head
The Writer and the White Cat
Help Pin the Tail on this Plagiarist
Aaron Polson
On Plagiarists, Fake Names and Other Random Things
Michael Solender over at Not From Here, Are You has provided a link for those interested in protecting your stories through copyright (and it's FREE):
My Free Copyright
I also found a great article on protecting your website articles:
Copyright Website Articles— How to Protect your Work against Plagiarism
If anyone else has any other sites to help protect against plagiarism, please provide that info to me here in the comments section, and I’ll gladly create a link for all to use.
Copyright © 2010 by Angel Zapata
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Devil's Carriage
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Zombies and Tears
My flash fiction piece, Feed It Some More appears on Nothing To Say for xTx’s brilliant Zombie Summer.
And my poem, The Noise of Her Tears can be found at Every Day Poets.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Calls for Submissions: Echoes, Eyeballs, and Ire
SPECTRA MAGAZINE is hosting a Flash Fiction contest. Per their guidelines, “All you need to do is visit the Spectra Magazine forums and start a new thread in the Flash Fiction section, completing a science fiction, horror or fantasy story in 60 words or less that begins with the sentence: A sudden echo from the corridor said this place wasn’t deserted after all.”
THE NEW FLESH just announced they’re going to war. That’s right, a flash fiction war. Editors, William Pauley III and Brian Barnett are looking for 1,000 words or less on the theme: ...and that's why I keep my eye in a pickle jar.
This should prove quite interesting. All details can be found here.
HOUSE OF HORRORS is open for submissions to their latest anthology, Tales of a Woman Scorned. Per their guidelines, “This anthology will be a collection of all those stories of what women will do to get what they want. From bunny boilers, to black widows, we want to read your darkest stories about these psychotic women. We are looking for stories of between 2000-5000 words. Reprints are welcome as long as you have permission to sell your story again.”
The very cool thing about House of Horror’s anthology is that you get paid. Yep, paid. Paid for your story and for royalties on sales when buyers mention your name (and yes, this will slightly quell the rage of this particular angel).
Editor, S.E. Cox is a wonderful writer and a huge support for fellow writers. Read all about it here.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Clarity of Night: Diamond in the Rough
There’s still time to view the picture prompt and create a 250 word flash piece for submission. The deadline is 10:00pm, this Wednesday, July 28th. There are seven place prizes including a $100.00 Amazon Gift Card.
Entries can be found here and contest rules here.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Flashes in the Dark: The Hired Hand
My continued gratitude to editors Lori Titus and Robert Eccles.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Every Day Poets: Flight Attendant
Have a safe 4th of July weekend!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Zombie Luv Flash Fic Contest: Dead Flames
Dead Flames
Eventually, as was bound to happen, the last two zombies walked the earth. She was frail and missing an ear. He was tall and infested with flies. They saw each other from a great distance, through the rubble of a fallen city.
It was no longer clear what drove them forward, starvation or curiosity. On the eastern bank of a dry river bed, she waited. He shambled over bones and glass, approached her with dead, glassy eyes.
The sound of voices had almost been forgotten.
"Pain," he rasped, either statement or question was unknown.
She snarled, bit down on her own tongue.
They faced each other, the Adam and Eve of an apocalyptic garden, and felt the promise of fruit. He stared at her torn blouse, the colorless nipples of her exposed breasts, and slowly reached for her hand. She let him touch her, feel her cold skin.
"Pain," he said again and brought her fingers to his ruined face. She ignored the unyielding ache of her own hunger and allowed him this slight comfort. He looked up, pointed to the west, and began to lead her in that direction.
They walked like that for days with the sun roasting their flesh. They searched, but there was no one left to eat.
One night, she stumbled on loose stones and collapsed in a heap. One of his knees snapped when he bent to lift her from the ground. She caught him in her arms. Breathless, he nuzzled his teeth on her neck. They held each other in the dirt until dawn, without sleep or the sweet scent of blood to console them.
After three cities, a gray canyon, and the apex of two frozen mountains, they arrived at the end of the world. The crumbling ravine before them overlooked a sea of fire.
In a brief discharge of dormant synapses, she remembered the ocean had once roared against this raging, desolate shore. She examined her own desiccated body, and, for the first time since death, yearned for any sign of life.
He watched the inferno burn and cast orange light on his companion’s withered face. Somewhere in his spine, a decayed vertebra broke free and he was consequently bent forward. She regarded it as a gesture of supplication and pressed him to her. Their tattered clothes began to smoke and smolder.
“Pain,” she spoke at last, and it was the echo of snapping firewood in her throat.
They stood there, two lost candles waiting for the flames to validate their love.
Copyright © 2010, Angel Zapata
- Word count: maximum 1.000
- The story must be a romance between two zombies. Make it as horrific as you like. ;)
- Stories containing animal cruelty, torture, graphic sex or violence, any form of exaltation of violence, racism or other forms of prejudice will be immediately disqualified.
- Post your entry on your own blog, with a title resembling this:
Zombie Luv Flash Fic Contest: Story Title - Leave your story title and a link to the story entry post as a comment at Mari's Randomities.
- Copy and paste the contest logo and the guidelines at the end of your entry post.

Thursday, June 17, 2010
New Poems at Boston Literary Magazine & Every Day Poets
Oonah V. Joslin and the staff at Every Day Poets feature my poem, We Will Not Speak of Stones. They always provide great personal feedback on the selection process of submissions. Drop by and read my work here.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Flashes in the Dark: Detour
Go and read the latest version here.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Soft Whispers: Still Life with Rooster
Download your very own copy here.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Resurrecting The Seashell House

The Seashell House
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Zombie Summer, Resurrection, Stitched Up
Last year, xTx hosted Elephant Summer over at Nothing To Say. Participants were encouraged to scribe all things elephant. You can download the PDF here. This year, submissions will be accepted for Zombie Summer. The announcement reads, “Anything goes as long as it has a zombie innit!! Zombie Haikus or zombie interviews or zombie drawings, anything you want to send me. 10 words to 2,000! It’s up to you!” Learn more here. Use those brains before they’re eaten.
Yep, Lori Titus and Robert Eccles are hosting another exciting contest at their daily fiction site. Submissions are being accepted until June 25, 2010. They are asking for stories “about things that are dead–or undead—that come back. Ghosts, zombies, demons, vampires, or anything that you can dream of that isn’t supposed to be on this side of the ground. We love old monsters with new twists, new monsters with old sensibilities, and anything in between.” Read all submission guidelines here.
Editor, S.E. Cox has announced open submissions for a brand new anthology, Stitched Up. She states, “This time round we are lending our eyes towards the Zombie/Frankenstein theme. It doesn’t just have to stay with these monsters – this is an anthology of stitched up flesh, so think about that when writing your story.” All submission guidelines can be found here.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Blackberry Lady
Somehow I’ve managed to complete several pieces of poetry. I share one with you.
Blackberry Lady
The moon breaks like a mirror.
The Blackberry Lady flashes her teeth
and a sundial turns its nose up toward the sky.
It is an art of light to cut yourself in two.
She is oil and vulnerable,
paint on the nails of canvas, parchment.
Her crimson dress is torn at the hem,
Cimmerian legs push through as stalactites.
I perch below the cavern of her expression.
She smiles like a river dries,
slips off bittersweet sandals.
Toes wiggle frantic as earthworms.
This is the Blackberry Lady, the bramble of youth.
I take her by her narrow waist and squeeze.
She drinks the sun from a muddy skull,
points a finger in my direction.
It is not love, but I crave this dark fruit.
She offers me a rose to knead.
Thorns are nipples on her breasts.
Our blouse stains with indignation.
The moon breaks like a mirror.
I catch our reflection in a shard of glass.
Her eyes drip sugar without the aid of light,
yet fail to sweeten mine.
Copyright 2010, Angel Zapata, all rights reserved.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Grand Prize Winner at Not From Here, Are You?
Not From Here, Are You? The Careful Seal of Her Song
Besides the privilege of publication, I was also given the opportunity to sit down with his neighbor’s dog, MacDuff for a most delightfully irreverent interview.Many thanks to Michael and MacDuff.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Writing Habits—Dawn of the Gummy Bear
Just as there’s this remarkably intimate connection during sex, the bond between the writer and his or her Muse transcends all other personal relationships. For me, when I sit down and face that glowing screen, I know I’m not alone. The fear of writer’s block or a lack of inspiration dissipates into the sweet sound of her voice. I don’t let inspiration become the driving force of my creativity. That's like sitting in a car without gas and expecting to arrive at my destination on time. I write and I write some more, until the words fuse into perfect beads of pearl. When I run out of words, I walk away and find some more.
Now, on to gummy bears. God help me; please don’t start calling me one. I like to eat them while I write. The orange one is my favorite flavor. During my creative process, I don’t drink coffee, consume alcohol, use recreational drugs (prescription drugs is another story). I don’t listen to music. I don’t need absolute silence, and in fact, I enjoy the vibrant echoes of ambient noise. I take notes on napkins, clothing, candy wrappers, the back of my hand; you name it. I use a dictionary, a thesaurus, printed encyclopedias, newspapers, comic books, Playboy, Google; pretty much anything I can reference. I churn out brief story outlines that constantly morph into thirty-five different directions. I don’t slip into mantras, but I do pray to perform at my best. I don’t have a particular time of day or night. I write whenever I can for as long as possible.
I’ll stop now. This is sounding way too much like a personals ad.
In truth, I have no writer friends in the real world. In cyberspace, I have all of you talented and highly regarded writers at my fingertips. We encourage one another, provide feedback, and voice concern when a member of our community seemingly disappears from the virtual world.
You matter to me.
Everyone has their own habits, their own special way of communicating with their Muse.
What’s yours?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Flashes in the Dark: Food Drive
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Plagiarism Rears Its Ugly Head…Again
As I’ve heard it said, "If it happens to one of us, it happens to all of us." To any writer, no truer statement can be made about the crime of plagiarism. Fellow writer, Greta Igl blogs about yet another recent incident. A friend of hers was shocked to find one of her poems published under a Facebook pal's name. From where do these monsters crawl out of? Do any of you also worry that one day we won't be able to publish anything online again for fear our words will be stolen?
Get over to Greta's site, For Write or Wrong and show her we writers stick together and won't tolerate such behavior.
Greta Igl’s For Write or Wrong: Stop! Thief!
Let’s give that Facebook bastard a piece of our minds.-Angel
BTW, if you missed reading about my terrible case of plagiarism, I’ve provided links:
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Paula Ray: Writer Spotlight
I’ve never heard her create magic on a saxophone, but the inflection of her aptly labeled Musical Pencil cries out to be heard:
“Why did I chose the sax?
Because it spoke to me and said,
“press your lips against my grain,
cradle me against your womb,
release the wind within your mind
and I will send your screams, sorrows,
and sighs star-ward
until the sunburned sky
showers you with blues.”
from Horn of the Devil Sounds Sweet.
She can tease our senses with evocative verse:
“I was one of working girls,
taking innocents into my private room,
teaching them fingering and tonguing tricks,
how to blow soft, make it scream loud,
get high, and growl. It was all about diaphragm,
rhythm, flow, and letting go.” from Sax Lessons.
And then, turn our world upside down in thirteen perfect words:
“You shake me up to watch,
my mind fall in flakes,
your amusement.” from Inside the Snowglobe.
It would be an injustice not to mention her outstanding flash fiction, composed with the same stunning, muse-inspired instrument. “She took the pen in her hand, it was still warm and sweaty from his palm, she could feel his pulse thumping beneath the engraved gold plating.” from Abigail’s Song.
Do yourself a favor and become a fan.
Works of interest include:
Shoots and Vines: Inside the Snowglobe
Everyday Weirdness: Abigail’s Song
Strange Road: Sax Lessons and Horn of the Devil Sounds Sweet
Visit Paula’s blog “Musical Pencil” and be prepared to sing:
All work cited is Copyright 2009 Paula Ray, all rights reserved
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Clarity of Night: Forgotten Ornithology
The Clarity of Night: Forgotten Ornithology
Writers came out of the woodwork for this one. Many of my favorite writing friends have submitted their stories:Lee Hughes: The Mending of the Broken
Michael A. Kechula: Terrible News
Jodi MacArthur: Midnight Feathers
Go to the index link below for a full directory of all writers entered in the contest:Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Preditors and Editors: Surrogate Fruit
Preditors and Editors: Surrogate Fruit
Of course, I’m not alone. Fellow writers Robert C. Eccles, Brian Barnett, Jonathan Pinnock and Graeme Reynolds can be found there as well. So vote for your favorite.Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Poem Factory: Defrost & The Supper Table
Author and editor, Salvatore Buttaci has been kind enough to publish two poems of mine, Defrost and The Supper Table in the Winter 2010 Issue of The Poem Factory.
The Poem Factory: Winter 2010 Issue
He’s featured some great work by some gifted writers. An author that should be familiar to you all, Jeanette Cheezum has a very heart-felt piece, Hope featured as well. Enjoy!